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Platti al Hotel Ristorante Terzo Crotto

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio is generally rated as good, though some visitors found the prices high and the addition of a cover charge excessive. However, most reviewers agreed that the quality of the food justifies the prices.
  • 3-way cooked crispy herbed chicken with roasted vegetables

    - a highly recommended dish, praised for its taste and presentation.
  • Lasagna

    - the highlight of the evening for one reviewer, it's noted for its perfect portion size and delicious taste.
  • Melon, prosciutto and figs

    - a fantastic starter that was really enjoyed by the diners.
  • - another great starter option, appreciated for its freshness and taste.
  • Fresh fish cooked on the lake

    - a unique experience and a must-try for seafood lovers.
  • - a star dish, loved by many reviewers who have tried almost everything on the menu.
  • Chocolate brownie and vanilla ice cream

    - a delightful dessert to finish off your meal.
  • Cooked pizza

    - recommended by a reviewer who had dined there twice.
  • - a part of the varied menu that caters to all tastes, praised for its amazing taste.
  • Bottle wines

    - the restaurant has an extensive wine list ranging from €100 to €600 per bottle. They also have €40 bottles and can accommodate requests for a glass of wine.
  • High-level bottle of wine

    - accompanied a meal for two, adding to the overall dining experience.

Piatti e bevande a Hotel Ristorante Terzo Crotto


parfait torte budino di uova tiramisù gelato


vino caffè cioccolato liquore cordiale caffè macchiato limonata


bistecche risotto pesce carne antipasto spigola gamberi maiale foie gras pollame filetto americano brodo filetto spaghetti prosciutto crudo manzo funghi vitello lasagne polpo frutti di mare insalate minestra insalate di funghi insalata caprese parmigiano salmone tartare tartufi ravioli formaggio stuzzichini ossobuco pollo verdure alla griglia pasta risotto ai funghi bistecca alla milanese salsicce misir parmigiana polpo alla griglia completo parmigiana di melanzane gnocchi focaccia bacon cannelloni salsa filetto di manzo branzino