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Platti al Tantaroba by Faccendi

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Mixed reviews indicate that while the food and drink can be good, the prices are sometimes considered high for what is offered.
  • Cubes

    - these are highly recommended for their high quality and delicious taste. They are also quite filling and fragrant.
  • Pan o Chocolat

    - this dish had mixed reviews due to the hardened chocolate inside, but could be worth trying if you're a fan of chocolate.
  • Cream Brioche

    - the custard in this dish is said to be industrial type, but it might be worth a try if you're a fan of brioche.
  • - these are very good, especially the empty croissants. However, they have been making smaller pastries recently.
  • - despite a mix-up with an order, the coffee here is said to be good.
  • - this drink is a bit pricey but could be worth trying.
  • Taglieri

    - these are a bit high in price but are a good choice for an appetizer.
  • Cornetti

    - there are all kinds of cornetti available here. A French cheesecake cornetto and a puff pastry with chocolate and pears were particularly praised.