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Platti al Ristorante Il Cavallino Rosso da Fischio

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
As for the price/quality ratio, opinions seem to be mixed. Some users find the prices fair for the quality of the food, while others feel that the bill does not match the quality of what they eat.
  • Taglia alla catalana

    - highly recommended by one of the users.
  • Spaghetti alla fischio

    - a classic dish that comes highly recommended.
  • Penne alla zingara

    - another classic, recommended dish at the restaurant.
  • Sirloins

    - they are said to be super, a must-try for meat lovers.
  • - it's very digestible and popular among customers, although one review mentioned it was a bit bland.
  • Fiorentina

    - this dish is recommended for its quality and taste.

Piatti e bevande a Ristorante Il Cavallino Rosso da Fischio

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante

pranzo cena ottima posizione


gelato gelato che torte yogurt tiramisù crema al forno mousse pasticceria


pizza pesce penne coda di rospo dukkah spaghetti carne salona kacamak pasta antipasto maiale prosciutto crudo meze fatteh hackepeter carpaccio minestra brodo calzoni sogliola di Dover gorgonzola pizza ai funghi ricotta formaggio crostini pizza margherita ragù mozzarella tortellini pollo pollame prosciutto crudo salsa ravioli causa