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Platti al Languorino Montefiascone

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The restaurant has been described as a starred restaurant with restaurant prices. The quality of the food and drinks is excellent, and the dishes are made with local products. However, some reviewers noted that the portions are not very large. Overall, the price/quality ratio is rated highly by visitors.
  • - this dish is a work of art, with well-balanced flavors and perfect combinations. It is made even more interesting with the unusual addition of watermelon.
  • No Sugar Cake

    - created upon special request, this dessert was highly appreciated for its great taste.
  • Falafel

    - a vegetarian option that is worth trying for its excellent quality.
  • - another excellent dish made with local products.
  • - the restaurant's version of this dish is exceptional and memorable.
  • - a delightful way to finish your meal at this restaurant.
  • Corn Fritters with Spring Onions, Capers and Courgette Flowers

    - this dish is delicious and made with local ingredients.
  • Trout Tartare Marinated in Beetroot

    - described as melting and sublime, this is a must-try.
  • Cardoncelli Sautéed with Orange Sauce and Peanuts

    - an original and exquisite second course.
  • Coconut Biscuit on Roiboos Diplomata and Peach Sauce

    - a beautiful conclusion to any meal.
  • Mascarpone Mousse with Cucumbers, Candied Tomatoes and Cat's Tongues

    - an extremely original dessert that is worth trying.
  • House Appetizer

    - a great way to start your meal, this appetizer is made with exceptional cheeses and cured meats.
  • Stuffed Buttons

    - another delicious and original dish.
  • - prepared with originality and substance, this dish is worth trying.
  • - an excellent dessert option.
  • Mullet Tartare and Corn Croquette

    - exceptional appetizers that are worth trying.
  • Half Moons with Baby Octopus

    - a unique and delicious dish.
  • Tartare di Pesce e Ravanelli

    - a delicate but flavorful dish made with high-quality ingredients.
  • Tagliolini al Lime and Pici al Ragù di Chianina

    - these pasta dishes are worth trying for their excellent taste.
  • Cannolo

    - a delicious dessert option, especially for those with a sweet tooth.
  • Organic Wine

    - the restaurant offers a good selection of organic wines that are worth trying.
  • Merula Wine

    - this wine is highly recommended by the reviewers.
  • Barricaded Grappa

    - a unique drink that is worth trying.