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Platti al Da Mimì Fish Restaurant

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The drinks menu could be improved according to one of the reviews. The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered excellent, with many users praising the fair prices and good value for money. However, a few reviews mention that some dishes are not worth the cost or that the food is frozen and tasteless.
  • Frying

    - it's said to melt in your mouth, a must-try for those who love fried dishes.
  • Long-awaited Risotto

    - highly recommended by previous customers, it seems to be a popular dish at the restaurant.
  • Mussels au Gratin

    - this dish is mentioned multiple times with high praises, definitely worth a try.
  • Raw Seafood

    - cuttlefish, tuna, and oysters are served raw and are said to be exceptional.
  • Pasta with Seafood

    - a classic Italian dish that is well-received by customers.
  • Deep-fried Octopus and Squid

    - these dishes are appreciated for their taste and preparation.
  • Rice Pancakes with Shellfish

    - an out-of-the-ordinary dish that has been highly praised.
  • Quadretti alle Cozze (Mussel Squares)

    - a unique dish that has been mentioned multiple times for its taste.
  • Fried Anchovies

    - this dish was specifically mentioned as excellent.
  • - a classic Italian dessert that was enjoyed by the customers.