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Platti al Vittoria Ristorante Pizzeria

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The restaurant is rated highly for its excellent balance between price and quality. The pizzas are described as cheap and delicious, and the overall food and service quality are excellent.
  • Margherita Pizza with Parmigiana

    - this pizza is praised as the best in all of Naples, with incredibly fresh and tasty ingredients.
  • Traditional Land and Sea Cuisine

    - this historic pizzeria also offers excellent traditional dishes from both land and sea.
  • First Courses and Second Courses

    - the pizzeria is not only known for its pizzas but also for its very good first and second courses.
  • Various Fried Foods

    - a variety of fried foods are also worth trying at this pizzeria.
  • Side Dishes

    - the restaurant is highly recommended for its side dishes, including escarole, pepper rolls, and courgettes with scaoece.