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Platti al Trattoria Jacky Jackson - Pollo ai Ferri

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered fair by visitors, with most meals (including an aperitif, dessert, and a bottle of wine) costing around 25 euros per person. However, some customers found the vegetables to be too greasy and the chicken to be stringy, indicating that there may be some inconsistency in the quality of food preparation.
  • - the restaurant's specialty and a must-try dish. It is cooked to perfection - soft on the inside and crispy on the outside. Many customers have praised its delicious taste.
  • Cooked Vegetable Side Dishes

    - these include aubergines, cabbage, potatoes, and pumpkin. They complement the grilled chicken well and are described as appetizing.
  • Grilled Cockerel

    - another poultry dish worth trying. It is very tasty and not at all dry according to one review.
  • - this beverage is recommended by a customer who enjoyed it with their meal.
  • Herb Liqueur

    - this homemade drink is absolutely worth trying according to an Italian review.

Piatti e bevande a Trattoria Jacky Jackson - Pollo ai Ferri