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Platti al Le Bianchette

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors have noted that the price/quality ratio at this restaurant is generally good, with most of them spending an appropriate amount for the quality of the food they received. However, there were a few instances where guests found the food to be of lower quality or the price too high.
  • Tasting Menu

    - the restaurant offers a variety of tastings from appetizers to desserts, all made from their own production.
  • Vegan Menu

    - prepared especially for guests upon request, the vegan menu has received high praise.
  • Homemade Breakfast

    - a wonderful spread of homemade cakes, tarts, jam, cherries, fresh fruit, and savory products is available for breakfast.
  • Local Dishes

    - the restaurant prides itself on serving excellent food made from locally sourced ingredients, also known as km 0.
  • Cold Cuts

    - despite some mixed reviews, the selection of cold cuts might be worth a try.

Piatti e bevande a Le Bianchette

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante

anniversario colazione ottima posizione


vino cordiale liquore vino della casa


dukkah meze polenta kacamak salsicce completo pasta hackepeter ragù antipasto minestra brodo pesce coda di rospo manzo arrosto di manzo tortellini carne risotto pappardelle salsa salsiccia pollo pollame fatteh maiale bacon speck


che torte gelato gelato brioches