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Platti al Trattoria Bugamatta

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most visitors rate the price/quality ratio as excellent, noting that the restaurant offers good value for money. However, some dishes like the Battuta di Manzo were criticized for their quality.
  • Brandacuiun

    - this creamed cod dish has received high praise for its amazing taste.
  • - another excellent choice, the ravioli is highly recommended by reviewers.
  • Spaghetti with Cuttlefish Tucco

    - this interesting seafood pasta dish is also worth trying.
  • Zabaglione with Crumbled Biscuit

    - for dessert, this zabaglione (a type of Italian custard) with crumbled biscuit is a hit among customers.
  • Stuffed Sardines

    - the stuffed sardines have been complimented for their authentic Ligurian flavor.
  • Gnocchi with Lime and Shrimps

    - this unique gnocchi dish is a favorite among customers for its refreshing lime flavor and tasty shrimps.
  • Tagliatelle con Pesto

    - despite mixed reviews on other dishes, the tagliatelle with pesto was praised for being well-made and reasonably priced.
  • Battuta di Manzo

    - the meat tartare has received poor reviews due to bad quality meat and lack of cleanliness.