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Platti al Taverna Margherita

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most reviewers indicate that the price/quality ratio is excellent, with some noting that the food is very good for a normal price. However, a few reviewers suggest that the prices may be a bit high.
  • Meat dishes

    - multiple reviews highlight the excellent quality of the meat served at this restaurant. It's a must-try for meat lovers.
  • Russian Salad

    - described as really delicious by one of the reviewers, this dish seems to be a crowd favorite at Taverna Margherita.
  • - this dessert is labeled as the "world's best" by a reviewer. Definitely worth trying for those with a sweet tooth.
  • Mixed Piemontese Starter (Antipasto Misto Piemontese)

    - this appetizer comes highly recommended in one of the reviews.
  • Hamburger with Vegetables

    - mentioned in a review, this dish appears to be a satisfying option for those looking for a familiar comfort food.
  • Ravioli Quadri

    - this pasta dish was enjoyed by a reviewer and seems to be a good choice for pasta lovers.
  • Skewer (Spiedino) and Sliced Meat (Tagliata)

    - these are other meat dishes that were mentioned positively in a review.
  • Nutella Tiramisu and Strawberries with Muscat

    - these unique dessert options were praised in one review, making them intriguing choices for dessert lovers.
  • - the restaurant offers an excellent selection of local wines, as mentioned in several reviews.

Piatti e bevande a Taverna Margherita