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Platti al Pizzeria Reginella

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The majority of customers find the prices at this pizzeria very affordable and consider it to offer good value for the quality of the food served. However, one reviewer found the prices strange and another had a negative experience with the food quality.
  • - the reviews are overwhelmingly positive about the pizzas at this pizzeria, with many customers praising the quality of the ingredients and the taste. Some have even called it the best pizza in Imola. However, there was one complaint about a burnt pizza.
  • Fried Pizza

    - this seems to be a unique offering that has been well received by customers. They have praised its taste and the freshness of the ingredients used.
  • Potato Croquettes

    - these are highly recommended by several reviewers. They are described as very tasty and made with excellent quality ingredients.
  • Pasta Omelette

    - the reviews for this dish are mixed. While some customers found it delicious and exceptional, one reviewer had a bad experience with it.
  • Pizza al Metro

    - although not directly reviewed, it's worth noting that this restaurant offers Pizza al Metro, which might be worth trying given the overall positive reviews for their pizzas.

Piatti e bevande a Pizzeria Reginella

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante





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