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Platti al Beneventum Public House

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as excellent. The food is of high quality and the prices are considered fair and low cost.
  • Special Burgers

    - these are highly recommended by multiple users and seem to be a specialty of the pub. They are noted for their quality and variety, including options for vegetarians.
  • - the sandwiches are highly praised, with users noting the quality of the raw materials used and the ability to customize your order. The Malocchio and Draco sandwiches were specifically mentioned as delicious.
  • Chicken Strips with Grilled Vegetables

    - a simple dish that was highly praised for its quality ingredients and cooking methods.
  • - the pub offers a good selection of beers that have been well received by visitors.
  • Butterbeer

    - this is a unique offering in line with the Harry Potter theme. It's worth trying for the novelty, though some found it overly sweet.
  • Sweets

    - while the desserts received mixed reviews, the sweets in all flavors were recommended by one user.
  • - these were noted as being good, complimenting the sandwiches well.
  • Drinks

    - general praise was given to the range and quality of drinks available at the pub.