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Platti al O’ Nciucio Trattoria Napoletana

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, the visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as excellent, with the exception of one review mentioning a sore point being the price.
  • - this dish is highly appreciated by the reviewers for its super top quality.
  • Pappardelle with Mushrooms and Sausage

    - this first course dish is described as amazing by the reviewers.
  • Ricotta and Pear Dessert

    - highly recommended by the reviewers for its excellent taste.
  • Genoese Dish

    - despite mixed reviews, the majority of reviewers praised this dish for being prepared with fresh ingredients and according to tradition.
  • Fettuccine with Mushrooms and Sausage

    - this dish is described as exquisite by the reviewers.
  • Fried Prawns and Squid

    - this second course dish is praised for being perfectly fried.
  • - the reviewers describe this dish as tender and very tasty.
  • Neapolitan Pasta and Potatoes with Provola

    - this traditional dish is praised for its excellent quality.
  • - these dishes are all mentioned positively in the reviews.
  • Paccheri with Seafood

    - this dish is featured in the positive review.
  • Fried Anchovies

    - this dish is mentioned positively in the reviews.
  • Roasted Squid

    - this dish is praised in the reviews.
  • Caprese Dessert

    - this dessert is described as delicious by the reviewers.
  • Falanghina White Wine

    - this wine is appreciated by the reviewers.
  • Sparkling Water

    - this drink is mentioned positively in the reviews.