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Platti al La Grenette

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as excellent, with many reviews highlighting the high quality of the dishes and the reasonable prices. However, some users found certain dishes (like the duck and ribs) to be less satisfying.
  • - a highly recommended fish dish, described as "to die for".
  • Tris di Polenta

    - part of the local 'cuccina valdostana', a must-try for those interested in experiencing local cuisine.
  • Vitelo Tonato

    - highly recommended for meat lovers, it's noted for its excellent quality.
  • - another dish that was specifically recommended by a user.
  • Amatriciana

    - a pasta dish that was ordered and enjoyed by a visitor.
  • - described as top quality and meltingly delicious.
  • Pasta au Jambon

    - another pasta dish that received praise.
  • - these were highlighted as being excellent.
  • - along with the profiteroles, this dessert was highly praised.