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Platti al La Farcia In Trattoria

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most visitors found the prices to be affordable and the quality of the food to be very high, making the restaurant a great value for money.
  • Fresh Tagliolini

    - truly excellent, made with high-quality ingredients.
  • Mixed Starter

    - a great way to start your meal, featuring a variety of traditional Piedmontese dishes.
  • Caponet

    - state-of-the-art preparation of this traditional dish, definitely worth trying.
  • Veal with Tuna Sauce

    - perfectly cooked and seasoned, a must-try for meat lovers.
  • Raw Meat Seasoned with Fondue and Hazelnuts

    - an interesting combination of flavors that works surprisingly well.
  • Tajarin Million-Yolk Egg Pasta

    - a highlight of the menu, highly recommended by many customers.
  • Rare Beef and Taleggio Sandwich

    - another standout dish, particularly praised for its unique flavor.
  • Robiolaburgers with Meatballs, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Salad and Roccaverano Cream Cheese

    - a truly excellent dish, despite the minor flaw of the beer not being cold enough.
  • Homemade Bread

    - light and digestible, made with high-quality ingredients native to the Piedmont region.
  • Desserts

    - highly praised by customers, especially the cake which is said to be better than the tiramisu.
  • - although a bit pricey, it's very tasty and complements the food well.
  • - only available in cans, but still a good option if you're looking for a non-alcoholic beverage.