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Platti al Ristorante Il Gusto Da Pasquale

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally seen as excellent, with many reviewers noting the good value for money. However, one reviewer did feel the fish was overpriced for its quality.
  • Bistecca Fiorentina

    - reviewed as the best ever had by a patron, this dish is highly recommended for its generous portions and quality ingredients.
  • Fresh Fish

    - an excellent choice for seafood lovers, the fish served at this restaurant is very fresh and excellently cooked.
  • Spaghetto ai Gamberoni

    - this shrimp spaghetti dish was enjoyed by both a reviewer and their daughter, showcasing the freshness of the seafood used in the pasta dishes.
  • Spaghetto alle Vongole

    - the clam spaghetti was good enough to warrant a second serving by a reviewer, indicating its delicious taste.
  • Tonnarelli with Sea Bream

    - the delicacy of this dish was praised by a patron, making it a must-try for those who enjoy lighter, delicate flavours.
  • Trout Fillet

    - this dish, served with tonnarelli fish, was highly recommended for its super delicate flavour.
  • Mixed Grilled Fish

    - a great choice for those who enjoy a variety of seafood, this dish was noted for its excellent preparation.
  • Linguine ai Gamberoni

    - the shrimp linguine was not only good, but stood out among the other dishes.
  • Nudeln mit Dorade

    - this pasta dish with bream was shared and enjoyed by two patrons, making it a great option for sharing.
  • Whole Brasse

    - enjoyed by two patrons, this whole fish dish was noted for its delicious taste.
  • Fried Artichokes and Calamari

    - these appetizers were praised for their taste, though the pasta dishes were suggested to need improvement.

Piatti e bevande a Ristorante Il Gusto Da Pasquale

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante

cena pranzo personale amichevole buon servizio


vino cordiale liquore caffè caffè espresso sherry secco sherry limonata vino della casa


dukkah pesce antipasto risotto frutti di mare calamari carne meze filetto americano aglio spaghetti spaghetti alle vongole spaghetti alle vongole coda di rospo pasta kacamak gnocchi terrina paté youtiao completo brodo minestra salmone parmigiana di melanzane pesce fritto