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Platti al Pizzeria Ristorante Il Bracere Tirano

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as good or excellent, with many reviewers commenting on the reasonable prices and excellent value for money. However, one reviewer felt that the prices were too high.
  • - multiple reviews praise the quality of the pizza at this restaurant, with one reviewer even calling it the best pizza they've ever had. There are 72 types to choose from, ensuring there's something for everyone.
  • Grilled Octopus with Potato Cream

    - this dish was highlighted for its excellent taste. It seems to be a unique offering that is worth trying.
  • Saffron and Sausage Risotto

    - this dish was part of an order that was praised for its excellent value for money.
  • Tagliatelle with Almonds

    - another dish that was part of an order praised for its excellent value.
  • Tagliatelle with Meat Sauce

    - this is another pasta dish that was part of an order that the reviewer felt was excellent value for money.
  • Appetizer based on local Bresaola

    - this appetizer was mentioned positively, suggesting it's a good way to start your meal.

Piatti e bevande a Pizzeria Ristorante Il Bracere Tirano