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Platti al Romantik Hôtel Mont-Blanc Au Lac

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio of this restaurant is perceived as high by some visitors, with certain aspects such as reduced portions for certain arrangements and extra charges for specific breakfast items seen as disappointing. However, others find the price justified by the high-quality food, professional service, and beautiful location.
  • 5 Course Meal

    - a highlight of the restaurant, praised for its excellent service and delicious food and wine. Perfect for a special occasion or family reunion.
  • Warm Food Selection

    - although small, the selection of warm food is appreciated for its quality. Ideal for those who prefer a simple yet satisfying meal.
  • Breakfast Buffet

    - offers a nice selection of fresh dishes. The fresh scrambled eggs and fruit platter are particularly noted.
  • Bavarian Dessert with Strawberries

    - despite the criticism of the strawberries being frozen, this dessert could be worth trying for those interested in local cuisine.

Piatti e bevande a Romantik Hôtel Mont-Blanc Au Lac

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante

pranzo buon servizio bella vista cena ottima posizione personale amichevole colazione lista dei vini atmosfera romantica


parfait torte plum cake tarte tatin gelato sorbetto tortino al cioccolato moelleux creme brulee dolce brulé torrone budino ciambelle beignets


vino caffè vino della casa cioccolato vino rosato


mont Blanc dukkah crostate jenever minestra carne tartare terrina misir risotto foie gras manzo pollame tacchino bissara insalate bistecche filetto op la pesce gazpacho formaggio rösti completo filetto americano chao stufato youtiao galette crostini fricassea kama parmigiana maiale vitello funghi