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Platti al Hiša Pod Gradom

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is generally viewed as poor. While some customers find the food tasty and well-priced, others believe there are better places to eat in the city for the same cost.
  • Pizza Rolls

    - these are a popular dish at the restaurant, with many customers praising their taste. However, some customers have noted a recent decrease in quality and filling.
  • Traditional Slovenian Cuisine

    - the restaurant offers a variety of traditional Slovenian dishes that have been highly praised for their authenticity and flavor.
  • Gobova Juha (Mushroom Soup)

    - this dish has been specifically recommended by a customer who rated it 10+.
  • Sausage Cooked in Beer with Gnocchi and Mushroom Cream Sauce

    - a customer found this dish to be very good and well-priced for the portion size.
  • Vegan Tofu

    - the vegan tofu dish is noted for its unique and delicious taste, featuring a variety of herbs.
  • Pica Rolls with Nutella and Strawberry Sauce

    - these sweet pica rolls have been recommended as a consistent and satisfying option for breakfast or lunch.