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Platti al Kodila Meet Meat Eat Market

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is generally considered fair and affordable.
  • Local Sausages

    - these are a must-try, praised for their great taste.
  • Slovenian Dishes

    - the restaurant offers a variety of delicious traditional dishes.
  • - this pastry is highly recommended for its high quality.
  • Ham and Eggs

    - a classic breakfast dish that is well-prepared and satisfying.
  • Ljubljana Breakfast

    - a regional specialty that is worth trying.
  • Bograc

    - a delicious traditional stew that comes at a reasonable price.
  • Vanilla Ice-Cream with Pork Crackling and Pumpkin Seed Oil

    - an unusual but highly praised dessert.
  • Traditional Layer Cake

    - perfect for pairing with a cup of coffee.
  • Steak Sandwich (Beef)

    - absolutely recommended for meat lovers.
  • - a traditional Slovenian dish that is both affordable and delicious.
  • - a selection of meats that is worth the price.
  • House Sausages with Horseradish and Mustard

    - a satisfying dish for those with less time.
  • Mixed Platter with Slovenian Specialties and Prekmurska

    - a chance to sample a variety of local foods.
  • Cheese Platter and Salad

    - carefully prepared and perfect for light eaters.
  • Carniolan Sausage with Homemade Horseradish Mustard

    - a delicious sausage dish that is worth a try.
  • Premium Platter of Local Goodies

    - a selection of local favorites that is highly recommended.
  • Local White Wine Shipon

    - perfect for pairing with the food.