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Platti al Casa Flaiano

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio as excellent, with many noting that the prices are fair and perfectly related to the quality of the food and drinks.
  • - highly recommended by multiple visitors, this dish is especially worth the visit.
  • Meat Sushi

    - an interesting dish that was praised for its delicious taste.
  • Chef's Fillet

    - another highly rated dish that was noted as being delectable.
  • Vegetarian Starter

    - great option for vegetarians, can be cooked without any meat without any problems.
  • Millefeuille

    - described as amazing by one of the visitors.
  • Cold Cuts Meat and Pasta

    - a wide choice available, well presented and tasty.
  • Mini Appetizers

    - good for those who want to try a bit of everything.
  • Second Course Options

    - arriving late doesn't limit the options, there are plenty of second course dishes to choose from.
  • Gin Lemon Cocktail

    - compliments to the bartender, this cocktail was perfectly prepared.