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Platti al L'Elefante Ristorante Pizzeria

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is viewed as a bit high for the quality by some visitors, but others find it adequate.
  • - the fish is fresh and well-prepared, making it a popular choice among patrons.
  • - the pizza is mentioned as a good option, even for a simple meal.
  • Cozze alla Marinara (Mussels in Marinara Sauce)

    - highly recommended by a user, this dish seems to be a must-try.
  • Agnolotti al Sugo d'Arrosto (Pasta with Roast Sauce)

    - this pasta dish is praised for its taste.
  • Paillard (Grilled Meat) and French Fries

    - a satisfying combination, according to one of the reviews.
  • Tiramisù and Vanilla Ice Cream

    - these desserts are mentioned as good choices to end your meal.
  • White Sparkling Wine

    - excellent bottles of wine are available, including this sparkling option.