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Platti al Braceria 2 Archi - Braceria, Pizzeria, AperiCena

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
There were mixed reviews about the price/quality ratio. Some reviewers found the prices to be high, especially for the grilled vegetables, pizza, and cured meats starter. However, others felt that the quality of the food was excellent and exceeded expectations.
  • Bombette

    - reviewers found this dish to be delicious.
  • - these were also praised by the reviewers.
  • - one reviewer recommended this dish.
  • Ravioli filled with pumpkin and a cream of yellow cherry tomatoes

    - this dish was described as exceptional.
  • Sliced meat with balsamic vinegar

    - a reviewer enjoyed this dish.
  • Steak and fillet

    - the quality of the meat in these dishes was praised.
  • Sheep and Scottona Kebabs

    - these were enjoyed by a reviewer and their partner.
  • Coarse salt and rosemary slices

    - these were recommended by a reviewer.
  • - several reviewers mentioned that the pizza was good, but one noted that it was slightly burnt.
  • - this dessert was described as delicious.
  • Sardinian wine, Cannonau 14 gr

    - a reviewer enjoyed this drink.
  • Superior Sangiovese

    - this drink was enjoyed by a reviewer.