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Platti al CRUDO Fish - Sushi - Lounge

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio as fair to average, considering the high quality of the food. Some visitors find the prices to be high, but most agree that the prices are justified given the quality and location of the restaurant.
  • Fresh Seafood

    - the restaurant offers a wide variety of fresh seafood dishes, including raw and cooked fish. The seafood is praised for its freshness and taste.
  • - the sushi and tempura dishes are highly recommended. They are praised for their high quality and delicious taste.
  • Seafood Noodles and Tuna

    - these dishes are noted for their large portions and excellent cooking. The noodles are perfectly cooked and the tuna is well-prepared.
  • Raw and Cooked Fish

    - both raw and cooked fish dishes are recommended. They are praised for their excellent taste and presentation.
  • Fried Squid Rings

    - this dish is noted for its delicious taste.
  • Tempura with Sweet and Sour Sauce

    - this dish is particularly loved by customers.
  • Seaweed and Tuna Tartare

    - these are also recommended dishes, although the edamame is noted as being bland.
  • Pasta with Scampi and Ricotta

    - this pasta dish is highly praised for its taste.