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Platti al Albergo dell'Agenzia

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is rated as excellent. The restaurant offers high-quality food and drinks at good prices, and this is appreciated by visitors.
  • - this dish is made with local and typical products, and it's highly recommended by visitors for its spectacular taste. The service that accompanies this meal is excellent and professional, adding to the overall dining experience.
  • Starters

    - the starters at this restaurant are worth trying. They are part of the truffle-based lunch and have been commended for their delicious taste.
  • First Courses

    - these are also part of the truffle-based lunch. They come highly recommended for their taste and the excellent service that accompanies them.
  • Dessert

    - the dessert is a must-try. It's part of the truffle-based lunch and has been praised for its delicious taste.
  • Excellent Wine

    - the wine list at this restaurant comes highly recommended. It offers excellent quality at a good price, which is not always guaranteed in the area.
  • Selected Dishes from the Roero-Langa

    - these dishes are worth trying. They are typical of the area and are served in a neat and elegant location.
  • Drinks at the Historic Garden

    - visitors have enjoyed having a drink at the historic garden, noting the friendly service and cozy surroundings.

Piatti e bevande a Albergo dell'Agenzia


che panna cotta semifreddo tiramisù pasticceria parfait


vino caffè macchiato caffè cordiale liquore sherry secco sherry assenzio pastis


dukkah completo carne kacamak salsiccia vitello tonnato vitello manzo tartufi ravioli ragù pesce risotto antipasto pasta gnocchi omelettes frittata coda di rospo salsa castella stuzzichini terrina salsicce filetto americano insalate frutti di mare cornish pasty causa meze fonduta