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Platti al Al Grano Antico Pizza & Restaurant Gourmet

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant seems to be a point of contention among visitors. Some find the prices higher than average, but still rate the food as excellent. Others feel that the high prices do not match the quality of the food served.
  • Pizza with Raw Ham

    - this dish is highly recommended by several reviewers for its quality ingredients and unique taste. The raw ham is described as soft, sweet, slightly salty, and uniform in color.
  • White Pizza with Raw Ham, Almond Flakes and Figs

    - this is a special offering that stands out for its creative combination of ingredients.
  • Mixed Fry

    - this dish has received mixed reviews. Some found it excellent, while others were disappointed by the lack of variety in the ingredients.
  • Swordfish Roll

    - this was one of the few dishes from the New Year's Eve menu that a reviewer found edible.
  • Beef Cut

    - this dish had mixed reviews. One customer complained about the doneness of the beef, but it might be worth trying if you specify your preferred level of cooking.
  • Pizza in general

    - many reviewers praised the quality and taste of the pizza, despite some complaints about specific orders.