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Platti al Agriturismo Incanto Grumello del Monte

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as very convenient and excellent. However, some customers note that certain dishes, such as the penne with meat sauce for children, can be overpriced.
  • Bergamo Menu

    - this menu is highly recommended for its excellent quality. It includes casoncelli, which are often praised for their taste.
  • Tagliatelle with Goat Ragout

    - this dish is described as fabulous and definitely worth trying.
  • Incanto Starter

    - this starter includes tasty local cold cuts, goat cheese, and lard. It's appreciated by many customers.
  • Roast Guinea Fowl and Cutlet

    - these dishes are much appreciated according to the reviews.
  • Grandma's Cake and Chocolate Tart

    - these desserts are part of the abundant food offerings and come highly recommended.
  • Fresh Casoncelli

    - this fresh pasta dish is a staple of the restaurant, though some reviews mention it being undercooked.
  • Enchantment Fixed Menu

    - this menu comes at an excellent price and includes a variety of dishes.
  • Penne with Meat Sauce

    - this dish is suitable for children, but it is noted that the pricing can be high for a child's portion.
  • - this is part of the abundant food offerings at the restaurant.
  • - this is included in the fixed menu and is described as excellent.
  • Thrush

    - this dish is described as delicious and is part of the Sunday lunch menu.
  • Farmer's Dish

    - this is part of the restaurant's abundant food offerings.