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Platti al La Beccaccia Az. Agr. Agrituristica Di Serughetti

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Based on the reviews, visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as very good. While some mention that the price is a little high, most agree that given the quality of the food and service, it is well worth it.
  • Fiorentina Steak

    - a popular dish among the customers, this steak is said to melt in your mouth and is noted for its exceptional quality.
  • Casoncelli

    - this pasta dish, sometimes served with crispy bacon, received high praise for its excellent taste.
  • Tagliatelle al Ragù Limousine

    - another pasta dish that was highly recommended by a user for its excellent flavor.
  • Pistachio Fillet

    - a unique dish that stood out for its impeccable taste.
  • Polenta with Lard

    - this dish was mentioned as a standout for its superior taste.
  • Antipasto with Salumi

    - an appetizer that was frequently mentioned for its delicious taste.
  • Mini Hamburgers

    - these were highlighted as a particularly tasty part of the antipasto.
  • - another meat dish that was praised for its excellent quality.
  • Caciocavallo Cheese

    - mentioned as part of a delicious antipasto.
  • Local Wines

    - praised for their quality and fair price.