Filtra per

Miglior insalate nei ristoranti di Lido di Jesolo

/ 180

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0.2 kmNel raggio di 0,2 km da Centro città di Lido di Jesolo
0.5 kmNel raggio di 0,5 km da Centro città di Lido di Jesolo
1 kmNel raggio di 1 km da Centro città di Lido di Jesolo
2 kmNel raggio di 2 km da Centro città di Lido di Jesolo
5 kmNel raggio di 5 km da Centro città di Lido di Jesolo
10 kmNel raggio di 10 km da Centro città di Lido di Jesolo
20 kmNel raggio di 20 km da Centro città di Lido di Jesolo
50 kmNel raggio di 50 km da Centro città di Lido di Jesolo
75 kmNel raggio di 75 km da Centro città di Lido di Jesolo
100 kmNel raggio di 100 km da Centro città di Lido di Jesolo
All'interno di Lido di Jesolo
Restringi i risultati per città


$$$$Molto caro




Salad is a dish made with vegetables and greens like lettuce, kale or spinach with the addition of a dressing. It is usually served cold.

Sometimes it can contain eggs, meat, and seafood.

Sphinx33::isTestPage: yes
SphinxSearch::isSearchRequest: no
PubLift Group: adsense default group
DB host: rest_front_db
Userdata host: rests_rw_ud_frontend_db
Sphinx: rests_sphinx33:9376
Mapping DB: frontend_1
Mapping version: 18208
Test mode: off
Slow php-fpm
Request data: array ( 'geo_memcache' => false, 'used_geo_cookie' => false, 'meals' => '6528', 'notexpanded' => 1, )
Request ip:

repa5 USE frontend_1 - 0,95 ms
repa5 select id, `slug`, `image`, `aliases`, `category_id`, `is_tag`, `is_product`, `is_drink`, `parent_id`, `double_for`, `deleted`, `excess_plural`, `strict_search`, `is_alco_drink`, `is_soft_drink`, `is_dessert`, `is_vegetarian`, `is_restaurant`, `is_onsite`, `from_alias`, `is_virtual`, `unpopular`, `is_seafood`, IF (it_IT != '', it_IT, en_US) AS name, it_IT_title_name AS title_name, it_IT_title_pattern AS title_pattern, it_IT_title_pattern_short AS title_pattern_short, IF (it_IT_meta_desc != '', it_IT_meta_desc, en_US_meta_desc) AS meta_desc, IF (it_IT_description != '', it_IT_description, en_US_description) AS description from `resources`.`meals` where `id` = 6528 limit 1 - 1,49 ms
repa5 select * from `resources`.`sets` where `primary_meals` = 6528 limit 1 - 3,95 ms
repa5 select url, `object_id`, `object_type`, `redirect_url_hash`, `hash` from `urls` where `hash` = 14369798459098859653 - 0,97 ms
repa5 SELECT country_id FROM resources.meals__countries WHERE meal_id = 6528 - 1,29 ms
repa5 select, `cities`.`id` as `city_id`, IF ( != '',, AS city_name, AS en_US, IF ( != '',, AS country_name, IF ( != '',, AS region_name, AS region_name_en, `cities`.`latitude`, `cities`.`longitude`, `cities`.`ne_lat`, `cities`.`ne_lon`, `cities`.`sw_lat`, `cities`.`sw_lon`, `cities`.`photo_id`, `cities`.`country_id`, `cities`.`timezone`, `cities`.`google_id`, `cities`.`need_region`, `rcn`.`restaurants_cnt`, `ca`.`name` as `ca_name`, `cna`.`name` as `cna_name`, `cn`.`currency`, `cn`.`city_state`, `cn`.`text_name` as `country_text_name`, `cities`.`sphinx_index_` as `city_sphinx_index`, `cn`.`language_codes`, cities.osm_id_ AS osm_id, `cities`.`osm_type` from `geo`.`cities` left join `geo`.`cities_aliases` as `ca` on `ca`.`city_id` = `cities`.`id` and `ca`.`lang_id` = 3 left join `geo`.`regions` as `r` on `cities`.`region_id` = `r`.`id` left join `geo`.`regions_aliases` as `ra` on `ra`.`region_id` = `r`.`id` and `ra`.`lang_id` = 3 left join `geo`.`countries` as `cn` on `cities`.`country_id` = `cn`.`id` left join `geo`.`countries_aliases` as `cna` on `cn`.`id` = `cna`.`country_id` and `cna`.`lang_id` = 3 left join `city_restaurants_count` as `rcn` on `cities`.`id` = `rcn`.`id` where `cities`.`id` in (58924) - 4,36 ms
repa5 select `url`, `object_id` from `urls` where `object_id` in (131) and `object_type` = 'country' and `redirect_url_hash` = 0 - 0,8 ms
repa5 select url, `object_id` from `urls` where `object_id` in (58924) and `object_type` = 'city' and `redirect_url_hash` = 0 - 0,71 ms
repa5 SELECT meal_id FROM resources.meals__countries mc INNER JOIN resources.meals m ON = mc.meal_id WHERE country_id = 131 AND m.is_onsite = 1 - 0,79 ms
repa5 select id, `slug`, `image`, `aliases`, `category_id`, `is_tag`, `is_product`, `is_drink`, `parent_id`, `double_for`, `deleted`, `excess_plural`, `strict_search`, `is_alco_drink`, `is_soft_drink`, `is_dessert`, `is_vegetarian`, `is_restaurant`, `is_onsite`, `from_alias`, `is_virtual`, `unpopular`, `is_seafood`, IF (it_IT != '', it_IT, en_US) AS name, it_IT_title_name AS title_name, it_IT_title_pattern AS title_pattern, it_IT_title_pattern_short AS title_pattern_short from `resources`.`meals_for_site` where parent_id = 6528 limit 8 - 0,96 ms
repa5 SELECT id, city_state, sphinx_index_new FROM geo.countries WHERE id IN (131) - 0,81 ms
repa5 select id, `slug`, `image`, `aliases`, `category_id`, `is_tag`, `is_product`, `is_drink`, `parent_id`, `double_for`, `deleted`, `excess_plural`, `strict_search`, `is_alco_drink`, `is_soft_drink`, `is_dessert`, `is_vegetarian`, `is_restaurant`, `is_onsite`, `from_alias`, `is_virtual`, `unpopular`, `is_seafood`, IF (it_IT != '', it_IT, en_US) AS name, it_IT_title_name AS title_name, it_IT_title_pattern AS title_pattern, it_IT_title_pattern_short AS title_pattern_short, `en_US`, `ru_RU`, `es_ES`, `de_DE`, `fr_FR`, `it_IT`, `pt_PT`, `nl_NL`, `ja_JP`, `tr_TR`, `el_GR`, `ro_RO`, `zh_CN`, `hi_IN` from `resources`.`meals_for_site` where `id` in (277, 301, 79, 242, 188, 298, 49) - 1,22 ms
repa5 SELECT meal_id FROM resources.meals__countries WHERE country_id= 131 and national = 1 - 0,63 ms
repa5 select id, `slug`, `image`, `aliases`, `category_id`, `is_tag`, `is_product`, `is_drink`, `parent_id`, `double_for`, `deleted`, `excess_plural`, `strict_search`, `is_alco_drink`, `is_soft_drink`, `is_dessert`, `is_vegetarian`, `is_restaurant`, `is_onsite`, `from_alias`, `is_virtual`, `unpopular`, `is_seafood`, IF (it_IT != '', it_IT, en_US) AS name, it_IT_title_name AS title_name, it_IT_title_pattern AS title_pattern, it_IT_title_pattern_short AS title_pattern_short, `en_US`, `ru_RU`, `es_ES`, `de_DE`, `fr_FR`, `it_IT`, `pt_PT`, `nl_NL`, `ja_JP`, `tr_TR`, `el_GR`, `ro_RO`, `zh_CN`, `hi_IN` from `resources`.`meals_for_site` where `id` in (6528) - 0,87 ms

Memcached load 'geo_memcache_64.124.8.30_b29f6d41c67d04aefbc91fc696363f60_geo - 0cce76326b6ec030bf45fb5739dd34ef': fail NOT FOUND [16] (0)
Filecache load '0cce76326b6ec030bf45fb5739dd34ef' (/cache/memcache/0c/ce/0cce76326b6ec030bf45fb5739dd34ef.gz): fail (0)
Geo from memcache
Memcached load 'geo_memcache_64.124.8.30_b29f6d41c67d04aefbc91fc696363f60_geo_last - c36b87e137afe044da158b04f3a762fa': fail NOT FOUND [16] (0)
Filecache load 'c36b87e137afe044da158b04f3a762fa' (/cache/memcache/c3/6b/c36b87e137afe044da158b04f3a762fa.gz): fail (0)
Geo last from memcache
Geo full
Geo last full
Accuracy full
Memcached load 'geo_memcache_64.124.8.30_b29f6d41c67d04aefbc91fc696363f60_accuracy - 78f31c77912ac9e6a31e04d8462a3778': fail NOT FOUND [16] (0.21)
Filecache load '78f31c77912ac9e6a31e04d8462a3778' (/cache/memcache/78/f3/78f31c77912ac9e6a31e04d8462a3778.gz): fail (0.01)
Memcached load 'ATW_memcache_postfix - 247da1b1e5521f91404ee31490ae2cbd': ok NOT FOUND [16] (0)
Memcached load 'rlocl_it_IT - 8e4ab77c850646241ca2d74887313ba8_1_1_18208': ok SUCCESS [0] (0,41)
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Memcached load 'ATW_mapping_db_postfix - 4ecc701dd1fddc309012b550aa2319cc': ok SUCCESS [0] (1,24)
Memcached load 'ATW_mapping_frontend_1_mapping_version - b2ffb76b5aa7de4d2f2f57a20d181c02': ok SUCCESS [0] (0,24)
Memcached load 'referer_cache_64.124.8.30_b29f6d41c67d04aefbc91fc696363f60_backbtn - referer_cache_64.124.8.30_b29f6d41c67d04aefbc91fc696363f60_backbtn': fail NOT FOUND [16] (0,25)
Filecache load 'referer_cache_64.124.8.30_b29f6d41c67d04aefbc91fc696363f60_backbtn' (/cache/memcache/re/fe/referer_cache_64.124.8.30_b29f6d41c67d04aefbc91fc696363f60_backbtn.gz): fail (0,01)
Meals list cache read: 1,45578 ms, file - /cache/meal_lists/4a/c9/4ac90b74d834aa3432af092c83314da4.gz, create at: 2024-05-04 13:35:50, generate time: 617,38 ms, conn: db_repa2
Memcached load 'city_slug_badge_20 - city_slug_badge_20': fail NOT FOUND [16] (0,29)
Filecache load 'city_slug_badge_20' (/cache/memcache/ci/ty/city_slug_badge_20.gz): ok (0,13)
Memcached load 'meal_info_find_meal_10895_it_IT - 49739cac86bd3a3a5709de0763796afc_1_1_18208': fail SUCCESS [0] (0)
Filecache load '49739cac86bd3a3a5709de0763796afc_1_1_18208' (/cache/memcache/49/73/49739cac86bd3a3a5709de0763796afc_1_1_18208.gz): ok (0,1)
Memcached load 'meals_on_site_ids - 81d3706c70f9a0dbb99c14c02a834808_1_1_18208': fail NOT FOUND [16] (0,19)
Filecache load '81d3706c70f9a0dbb99c14c02a834808_1_1_18208' (/cache/memcache/81/d3/81d3706c70f9a0dbb99c14c02a834808_1_1_18208.gz): ok (0,26)
Memcached load 'SELECT groupby() g,count(*) c FROM restaurants_131_5 WHERE match(' (@attr city_58924) ') AND meals IN (49,79,181,188,242,277,298,301) GROUP BY meals HAVING g IN (49,79,181,188,242,277,298,301) ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 24 OPTION max_matches = 5000 - 75d6cb14bbc835091525fae0aa6eeaf6_1_1_18208': ok SUCCESS [0] (0,22)
Memcached load 'it_IT_all_countries - 770e718b189e2a26b06914a904f59786_1_1_18208': fail NOT FOUND [16] (0,18)
Filecache load '770e718b189e2a26b06914a904f59786_1_1_18208' (/cache/memcache/77/0e/770e718b189e2a26b06914a904f59786_1_1_18208.gz): ok (0,14)
Memcached save 'collection_data_64.124.8.30Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; ImagesiftBot; - 961ef4596d3b98581fec2b21d3a57186': ok SUCCESS [0] (0,21) 0,20703125
CurrentLocation 1716739211: 0,09 ms
Filecache load 'dmca_urls_all' (/cache/memcache/dm/ca/dmca_urls_all.gz): ok (0,51)
Memcached load 'id,IF (it_IT != '', it_IT, en_US) AS name,IF (it_IT_single != '', it_IT_single, en_US) AS typename,IF (it_IT_plurals != '', it_IT_plurals, en_US_plurals) AS plurals,IF (it_IT_rests != '', it_IT_rests, en_US_rests) AS it_IT_rests,IF (it_IT_single != '', it_IT_single, en_US_single) AS single,slug,cuisines,types,meals,primary_meals,url_postfix,set_class,deleted,suggest_meals_allSets - 9e82470635bd0519987d912f70b3756b_1_1_18208': fail NOT FOUND [16] (0,65)
Filecache load '9e82470635bd0519987d912f70b3756b_1_1_18208' (/cache/memcache/9e/82/9e82470635bd0519987d912f70b3756b_1_1_18208.gz): ok (0,4)
Memcached load 'it_IT_all_cuisines - d387b1c3410cb57dccc1d50e86529b79_1_1_18208': fail NOT FOUND [16] (0,54)
Filecache load 'd387b1c3410cb57dccc1d50e86529b79_1_1_18208' (/cache/memcache/d3/87/d387b1c3410cb57dccc1d50e86529b79_1_1_18208.gz): ok (0,97)
Memcached load 'meal_info_9619_it_IT - 267a56d04189fb709b4db5e7512d78cf_1_1_18208': fail NOT FOUND [16] (0,37)
Filecache load '267a56d04189fb709b4db5e7512d78cf_1_1_18208' (/cache/memcache/26/7a/267a56d04189fb709b4db5e7512d78cf_1_1_18208.gz): ok (0,14)
Memcached load 'meal_info_9623_it_IT - fe305ed8cf58dd24093333eec98eb0ee_1_1_18208': fail NOT FOUND [16] (0,38)
Filecache load 'fe305ed8cf58dd24093333eec98eb0ee_1_1_18208' (/cache/memcache/fe/30/fe305ed8cf58dd24093333eec98eb0ee_1_1_18208.gz): ok (0,11)
Memcached load 'meal_info_9620_it_IT - 29bf253276a079247463d5b78a554513_1_1_18208': fail NOT FOUND [16] (0,63)
Filecache load '29bf253276a079247463d5b78a554513_1_1_18208' (/cache/memcache/29/bf/29bf253276a079247463d5b78a554513_1_1_18208.gz): ok (0,1)
Memcached load 'map_legend_it_IT - 0700ee55cf7f6eea0a477e8454bfdd4e_1_1_18208': fail NOT FOUND [16] (0,47)
Filecache load '0700ee55cf7f6eea0a477e8454bfdd4e_1_1_18208' (/cache/memcache/07/00/0700ee55cf7f6eea0a477e8454bfdd4e_1_1_18208.gz): ok (0,2)
Yandex Webvisor test: false
Memcached increment 'performance.redis_sum' (1,99)
Memcached increment 'performance.redis_cnt' (0,43)

Profiler (time from start):
59,76 ms; 39,96 (clean time, no sql) SiteController::renderTemplate start
59,77 ms; 0,01 (clean time, no sql) SiteController::renderTemplate after fillCurrentLocation
59,88 ms; 0,11 (clean time, no sql) SiteController::renderTemplate before View::renderTemplate
59,9 ms; 0,02 (clean time, no sql) View::renderTemplate start
79,23 ms; 19,33 (clean time, no sql) View::renderTemplate brefore return

MySQL time: 19,8 ms (14)
MySQL reviews time: 0 ms (0)
SE time: 0 ms (0)
Sphinx time: 0 ms (0)
Memcached time: 11,97 ms (38)
Runtime: 82,74 ms (without queries 50,97 ms)
Memory usage: 2,79 Mb