K kiosk è vicinissimo al naturama, Aarau. È un peccato che il personale sia carente, come sottolineano un certo numero di clienti. Locale non è particolarmente apprezzato dagli utenti di Google che gli hanno dato un rating sotto la media.
There were two light skin lady working there today morning very rude and agessive . People in rush and they try to hang and instead of giving an Items which asked for they rudely asking for morning greeting like they own it . I said I am getting late and I need a cigarette and I have to catch and train . She said no first you have greets me or you can leave . They were just laughing. Extremely rude. Whoever runs the kiosk agency should recheck on their teams behaviour and also peoples feedback . Looks like I am not the only person here who felt that way. I would recommend to buy a cigarette or any others stuff at kiosk down below inside the station. They are much humble and very professional.
Der K Kiosk am Bahnhof Aarau Ein kleiner Kiosk am Bahnhof Aarau, der von Zeitschriften über Lotterien bis hin zu kleineren Getränken und Tabakwaren bis hin zu einem kleinen Angebot an Wegzerrung führt. Die Damen im Kiosk bedienen die Kunden stets Freundlich und kompetent. Vielen dank und weiter so