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Platti al da Celeste Pellestrina

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is considered adequate by some visitors, while others find the prices a bit high for the portion sizes. The overall experience, including the service and location, seems to justify the cost for most guests.
  • - highly recommended by multiple reviewers for its delicious taste.
  • Carbonara of fish

    - it was described as divine and exquisite, making it a must-try.
  • Granseola

    - a favorite among many visitors, praised as the best among various seafood restaurants in the region.
  • - another popular dish, always described as exceptional.
  • Baccalà mantecato

    - particularly applauded, even awarded as the best.
  • Oven-baked turbot

    - praised for its perfect cooking and moisture.
  • Spaghetti with Sant'Erasmo artichokes

    - recommended for its delicate taste.
  • Local scallops

    - described as very delicate, worth a try.
  • Fried moeche

    - a special mention for this dish, described as world-class.
  • Fish pasticcio with linguine

    - a dish that received positive comments for its taste.
  • - complimented for its excellent quality.
  • - received positive comments for its taste.