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Platti al Trattoria Val Ceronda

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as excellent. They appreciate the good and abundant food offered at fair prices. The restaurant also offers various menus at different price points, catering to different budgets and occasions.
  • Fixed Menu

    - the fixed menu is a popular choice among visitors. It offers a plentiful and genuine selection of dishes at an honest price. Ideal for those looking for a hearty meal.
  • Barbera Risotto

    - this dish has mixed reviews. Some diners enjoyed it, while others found it to be like reheated leftovers.
  • Frying Greased with Oil

    - another dish that had mixed reviews. While some found it enjoyable, others felt it was refried.
  • Worker's Menu

    - priced at €13, this menu offers excellent food in exorbitant portions. A great value for money option.
  • Appetizers

    - these come highly recommended, especially for special occasions like birthday parties.
  • Birthday Cake

    - the restaurant seems to do a good job with birthday cakes, as per the review of a customer who celebrated their 40th birthday there.
  • Menus of €40

    - another option for special occasions, these menus are highly praised for their excellent selection of dishes.
  • Two Antipasti

    - the restaurant offers two antipasti as part of their lunch deal, which customers found to be good and genuine.
  • Fixed Menu at €38

    - this menu offers a large quantity of food, enough to make you say "enough". It's worth trying for those with a big appetite.

Piatti e bevande a Trattoria Val Ceronda


torte gelato gelato budino di uova


antipasto carne brodo minestra manzo fritto misto pasta pesce coda di rospo risotto filetto americano formaggio fonduta salame salsicce vitello vitello tonnato completo fatteh kacamak gnocchi spaghetti salsiccia vol-au-vent parmigiano meze lasagne genoise prosciutto crudo maiale focaccia prosciutto crudo hackepeter carne-de-sol