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Platti al Trattoria Le Stelle

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as excellent. Customers believe that the prices are completely in line with the quality of the dishes served.
  • Tortelloni with Parmesan and Balsamic Cream

    - a highly recommended dish that offers a delightful blend of flavors.
  • Mushroom Scallop

    - a good choice for those who love mushrooms, this dish is highly appreciated by customers.
  • Space Noodles

    - an interestingly named dish that seems to be quite popular.
  • Sci-fi Trifle

    - another intriguingly named dish that has been well-received.
  • Veal Tonnato

    - customers have suggested that this is a must-try dish at the restaurant.
  • Crecentine

    - this dish is highly recommended, particularly when paired with their primo courses.
  • Tagliatelle al Ragu

    - a traditional pasta dish that is very well made.
  • Mixed Grilled and Oven Meats

    - a perfect choice for meat lovers, this dish is a part of the annual lunch tradition of some customers.
  • - the only vegetarian option available, but customers have found it to be satisfactory.