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Platti al Trattoria Del Popolo

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio of this restaurant as reasonable and honest, although a few found it slightly high. The portions are generally considered generous.
  • Aeolian Linguine

    - this dish is mentioned in multiple reviews as being delicious. It's a must-try for pasta lovers.
  • - another pasta dish that reviewers found tasty and generously portioned.
  • Fried Squid

    - reviewers praised this dish for being very good, making it worth trying for seafood enthusiasts.
  • Ventresca

    - despite mixed reviews about some dishes, this appetizer was enjoyed by a reviewer.
  • Octopus Appetizer

    - fresh and highly recommended by the owner.
  • Zucchini and Prawns with Creamy Sauce

    - a first course that was well-received by reviewers.
  • - one reviewer claimed this was the best they've ever had.
  • Aubergine Rolls

    - described as a pleasure for the palate, these rolls are worth trying.
  • Trapani-style Octopus

    - another seafood dish that was praised by a reviewer.
  • Polpo alla Trapanese

    - a local specialty that was well-prepared and appreciated by reviewers.