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Platti al Trattoria "A me casa"

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio of this restaurant has received mixed reviews. Some visitors found the prices very honest and reasonable for the quality of food offered, while others thought it was expensive for what they received.
  • Meat and Aubergine Meatballs

    - these meatballs have been praised for their taste and abundance, making them a must-try dish.
  • - described as the best some customers have ever tasted, these stuffed tomatoes are another highlight of the menu.
  • Homemade Pasta

    - the restaurant offers a variety of homemade pasta dishes that have received positive reviews for their taste.
  • Grilled Meat Platter

    - despite mixed reviews about the quantity, the flavor of the meat has been appreciated by many visitors.
  • - this diverse antipasti selection is considered delicious and a great start to the meal.
  • Bergamot Cake

    - as the only dessert mentioned in the reviews, this cake has been praised for its exceptional taste.
  • Local Wines

    - the restaurant offers a variety of local wines which are included in the fixed price menu.