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Platti al Terrazza Belvedere

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Reviewers generally find the prices to be reasonable for the quality of food and service provided. It's not considered cheap, but not overly expensive either. The beautiful view of the lake also adds value to the dining experience.
  • Spaghetti with Seafood

    - this dish is repeatedly mentioned in the reviews, suggesting that it is a popular and well-loved choice. The seafood is likely fresh, given the restaurant's location by the lake.
  • Crunchy Almond Dessert with Ice Cream and Berries

    - this dessert comes highly recommended by several reviewers. It seems to be a perfect balance of sweet and tart, with a satisfying crunch from the almonds.
  • Cuttlefish Ink Risotto

    - one reviewer singled out this dish as the restaurant's strong point. This risotto is likely an interesting and unique option for adventurous eaters.
  • - multiple reviewers have praised the pizza, with one even returning to the restaurant specifically for it. It seems to exceed expectations and is likely a safe bet for anyone unsure of what to order.
  • - the tartare starter was mentioned as being very good. However, one reviewer found it lacking in flavor and consistency, so it might be a hit-or-miss depending on personal preference.
  • - one reviewer found the espresso to be sour, so it might be best to skip this if you're particular about your coffee.