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Platti al Therra osteria di carne

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered fair, with visitors noting that you pay for what you get. Some visitors have noted that prices are a little high compared to the average, but feel that the quality of the food justifies the cost.
  • Raw Meat Tartare and Battuta

    - these simple dishes are extremely tasty and come highly recommended.
  • Sashi

    - this memorable piece of meat from Finland is a must-try and has been praised as one of the best ever eaten.
  • Tartare with Truffles

    - this delicately flavored dish is served with a bit of a show.
  • Homemade Gnocchi

    - part of the excellent variety of dishes always present on the menu.
  • - another excellent meat dish that has been praised by visitors.
  • Fillet with Pepper

    - this dish has been highlighted for its excellence, particularly when paired with the restaurant's good selection of wines.
  • Meatballs in Sauce

    - these are part of the constant flow of food and have been appreciated by visitors.
  • - a tasty side dish that complements the meat dishes well.
  • Mixed Cold Cuts

    - an excellent appetizer to start your meal.
  • Traditional Desserts

    - very good and worth trying, though the innovative desserts don't quite hit the mark.
  • Wine Selection

    - the wine list is very balanced and attentive to the territory, with some excellences from other Italian and French regions.