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Platti al Konoba Stari podrum

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as very good. Although the prices are slightly above average, visitors find it worth every dime due to the quality of food, service, and ambiance.
  • Homemade Toasted Bread with Cream Cheese and Truffle Specks

    - a delightful hors d'oeuvre that is highly recommended by many visitors.
  • Cylindrical Rump Steak in Mushroom Sauce

    - this perfectly-grilled main course is generously served and comes highly recommended.
  • - this dessert is served in large scoops and is said to be just as good as the main courses.
  • Steak with Truffles

    - described as "out of this world", this dish is a must-try for truffle lovers.
  • Gluten Free Pasta

    - this is touted as the best gluten-free pasta ever tasted by a visitor.
  • Bazian Malvasia Wine

    - a wonderful selection from the restaurant's wine list.
  • Fiorentin Steak with Truffles

    - this steak is served sliced, covered with truffles and ready to eat.
  • Kremšnita

    - despite low expectations for desserts, this one was described as mind-blowing.
  • Fuži with Istrian Boškarin

    - a perfect main course according to a visitor.
  • Maneštra

    - recommended as a hot starter.
  • Funghi

    - described as the best ever by a visitor.
  • - extremely good according to a visitor.
  • Set of Appetisers with Mushrooms

    - these are excellent, especially because they include mushrooms.

Piatti e bevande a Konoba Stari podrum

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante

pranzo personale amichevole cena buon servizio ottima posizione festa di compleanno begli interni lista dei vini tavoli all'aperto atmosfera accogliente


tiramisù mousse mousse al cioccolato torta alla mousse di cioccolato pasticceria tiramisu alle fragole sorbetto cremeschnitte panna cotta cheesecake torta al cioccolato che torte dolce alle fragole


carpaccio dukkah carne tartufi pasta bistecche manzo minestra funghi bistecca alla griglia minestra di stagione filetto americano bistecca formaggio maiale crema di asparagi cotolette agnello bacon zuppa d'aglio cotolette di agnello carpaccio di manzo carne grigliata pasta cremosa dobrada stufato Istriano crostate crostini tagliata di manzo puto speck terrina vitello bue istriano scamone funghi alla griglia pasta al tartufo verdure alla griglia insalate polenta completo gnocchi bissara piatto di formaggi kama fuzi con tartufo tagliatelle bue omelettes pesce frittata kacamak prosciutto crudo parmigiana uova strapazzate pasta al sugo bianco aglio crostini zuppa di pollo pasta con le uova op la rechta antipasto salsicce salame