L'atmosfera ospitale di locale dipende in larga misura dal personale, che qui è davvero gentile. Rimarrai sicuramente soddisfatto del fichissimo servizio. Ma 4.3 è quanto ha ottenuto Sport Club 12 Ispra dal sistema di valutazione di Google.
Tutto molto bello e curato e personale molto gentile. Peccato per alcune persone che frequentano la spa ,che non hanno rispetto per gli altri, che vorrebbero un pò di tranquillità ma gli tocca sentire le telefonate in viva voce e le chiacchere a tono alto (consiglierei un cartello con scritto "zona del silenzio e vietato l'uso del cellulare")
Many thanks to #Daniela and the entire team of the Sport Club 12 Ispra! Since many years ago (more than 10?) I am a loyal subscriber to their sport club and I have to say that I am always surprised by their continuous search for improvement and care of their sport members! I would in particular offer congratulations for the cleanliness of the place, professionalism and courtesy of all the staff. This counts a lot for me, as sport, even if not professional as in my case, is important our life, especially in this moment in which you are doing many efforts to let us making healthy activities, regardless of the emergency period! Congratulations again! Many thanks to #Daniela and the whole Sport Club 12 Ispra team! I have been a loyal customer of theirs for many years and I must confirm their continuous research to improve and care for members and practitioners. In particular I underline the extreme cleanliness, professionalism and courtesy of all the staff. All this is very important, because sport, although not professional as in my case, helps us overcome difficult moments, and above all because, although silent as I enter and exit your sports centre, I see your efforts to allow us to practice it continuously, especially in this moment of emergency! Well done, keep it up!