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Platti al Span pizzeria

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as good, as some reviewers mention that the food is not only tasty but also cheap.
  • - this dish is highly recommended by many reviewers for its excellent taste and quality. It is described as the best pizza in Bologna with a perfect dough, delicious tomato sauce, and soft melted Mozzarella.
  • Fritti

    - these are also highly recommended by several reviewers. They are described as being very tasty and a great starter before the main course.
  • Pizza alla Nerano

    - despite one negative review due to a hair found in the dish, this pizza might be worth trying given the overall positive reviews of the pizzas at this restaurant.
  • Baba'

    - this dessert is mentioned as being very fresh and delicious.