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Platti al Sottobosco Bistrot

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as very good. For €32, you can taste the entire menu, which many users find to be more than fair for the quality and sophistication of the dishes.
  • Grilled Seitan with Porcini Mushrooms

    - this dish is highly recommended by many diners for its excellent preparation and flavors. It's served with a blueberry sauce that perfectly complements the main ingredients.
  • Field and Cultivated Salad Appetizer

    - this starter comes with almonds and is seasoned with tahini, making it a delightful beginning to your meal.
  • Vegan Tasting Menu

    - this menu allows you to taste all the dishes in the restaurant and is highly praised for its variety and quality of food.
  • Homemade Tempeh

    - the tempeh at this restaurant is homemade and is appreciated for its taste and creativity.
  • Gazpacho di Melone

    - a refreshing and unique take on the traditional Spanish soup.
  • Peanut and Hazelnut Frozen Cream

    - this dessert is a hit among diners, with one user calling it "fantastic".
  • Roasted Tempeh on Lyonnaise Pan

    - another tempeh dish that is worth trying for its exceptional taste and presentation.
  • Natural Wine Selection

    - the selection of natural wines is also appreciated by visitors.