Sole Griko Menu

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Platti al Sole Griko

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
According to the reviews, the price/quality ratio of the restaurant is generally considered good, with prices in line with the quality of food. Some reviewers mentioned that the prices are low and others said they are adequate and never exaggerated. However, a few reviews mentioned high prices and one even noted a significant increase compared to the previous year.
  • - highly recommended by multiple reviewers, with a specific mention of the Neapolitan-style pizza with a high crust.
  • Cod Meatballs

    - a unique dish that is worth trying for seafood lovers.
  • Octopus in Pignata

    - another seafood dish highly recommended by users.
  • - both the fried and the fresh versions were praised by reviewers.
  • Babas

    - a fantastic dessert option at the restaurant.
  • First Courses of both Meat and Fish

    - described as excellent quality by reviewers.
  • Fish Tiramisu

    - an unusual and exquisite dish worth trying.
  • Mixed Fried Plate

    - a mixed response from reviewers, some found it overly salty.