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Platti al La Casa di Sebastiano

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as excellent. Reviewers have noted the restaurant offers a super low price for the quantity of dishes. One user even stated it's the right price for the quality. The service is also highly rated, with staff being very available and courteous.
  • Fettuccine with Porcini Mushrooms

    - according to a reviewer, this is the best version of this dish they've ever had. The ingredients were fresh and home-grown, contributing to a divine dining experience.
  • Various Meat Dishes

    - a diner praised the quality of the meat, stating that it melted in their mouth. The dishes are said to be authentic, simple but well-prepared.
  • Sunday Fixed Menu

    - despite being described as "industrial," the Sunday fixed menu at the restaurant seems to be popular among patrons.
  • Other Courses

    - all other courses are mentioned as being of excellent quality and very tasty.
  • Drinks

    - no specific drinks were mentioned but the overall service was praised as fast and attentive.

Piatti e bevande a La Casa di Sebastiano

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante

pranzo buon servizio


carne coda di rospo antipasto pesce kacamak brodo minestra completo salsiccia pizza prosciutto crudo formaggio maiale mozzarella prosciutto crudo parmigiana di melanzane polenta pasta ravioli ricotta pizzetta terrina pappardelle provola tagliatelle tagliata di manzo ragù speck bacon carne-de-sol