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Platti al Pizzeria al Saraceno

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price range for pizzas is between 9 and 15 euros. Some reviewers find the prices slightly higher than average but do not feel that it implies a higher step in terms of perceived quality. Others find the prices good given the quality of the ingredients used. However, there was a complaint about the lack of staff which could affect the overall dining experience.
  • Pizza with ancient grain dough

    - the pizza has been praised for its very light and semi-wholemeal dough made from ancient grains. It is topped with quality ingredients such as Cetara anchovies and Tropea onion.
  • - this thin and crunchy pizza with a reduced crust is a classic at the restaurant. There are also vegetarian options available depending on the pizza.
  • 'Nordic' pizzas

    - these are another version of the classic Neapolitan pizza, with a thin and crunchy base and a reduced crust.
  • Pizza con QUATTRO fette fine di speck

    - despite the criticism about the quantity of speck (smoked ham) this pizza might be worth trying if you prefer less meat on your pizza.
  • Pizza with funghi and alcaucil

    - this pizza has been praised for its excellent quality.
  • Well-leavened and well-cooked pizza

    - it's mentioned as a good option for those who enjoy a well-risen and well-cooked pizza base.
  • - this classic Italian cocktail received a perfect score from a reviewer.