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Platti al Osteria Selva

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is generally rated as excellent or adequate. Prices are above average, but customers believe they are getting good value for their money. The fixed price lunch menu is noted for its extremely low prices.
  • Polenta with Rabbit

    - a dish that has been described as a spectacle and very good. It is spicy but not overwhelming.
  • Prawns with Pasta

    - this first course has been praised for its deliciousness, indicating a great combination of flavors.
  • - highly recommended by a customer, suggesting it might be an exceptional dish.
  • Cheesecake with Pink Grapefruit

    - mentioned as a memorable dish from an anniversary dinner, implying it made a strong impression.
  • Fixed Price Lunch Menu

    - offers a wide choice and is ideal for a lunch break. It includes three starters, first courses, and second courses.
  • - the restaurant has been praised for its excellent wine list, which might be worth exploring.