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Platti al Agriturismo Rosa Selvatica

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as a little excessive by some visitors, while others find it justifiable due to the high quality of the food and the overall dining experience. However, there were a few negative reviews regarding the price and the quantity of the skewer served.
  • Skewer

    - the skewer at this restaurant is highly praised by many visitors, with some describing it as the best in Brescia. It's a must-try for anyone seeking a fantastic culinary experience.
  • - the handmade tagliatelle is another standout dish. Some reviewers even mentioned that the tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms was the only good thing about their visit.
  • - the soup also received high praise from reviewers, who described it as superb and of extreme excellence.
  • Appetizer of cured meats

    - this appetizer is described as tasty and artisanal, making it a great start to any meal.
  • Brescian skewer with polenta

    - this is a local dish that is well-loved by visitors. It pairs perfectly with red and rosé wine.
  • - this is a simple yet delicious dish that is worth trying.
  • Ice cream with wild berries

    - this dessert is homemade and is a perfect way to end a meal.
  • Desserts

    - the desserts in general are highly recommended by visitors.