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Platti al Ristoro Castel Grumello

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as high, with many users noting that the prices are appropriate to the quality of food and service. However, some users have mentioned that the restaurant is pricey, even though the quality of raw materials used is indisputable. Overall, the restaurant is praised for its friendly and helpful staff, rich menu, good portions, and excellent raw materials.
  • Risotto with Truffle and Burrata

    - this dish is highly praised for its balance of cooking and flavors. It's a must-try for risotto lovers.
  • Puff Pastry with Custard and Blueberries

    - a dessert that stands out for its high taste and creativity. An alternative version with strawberries is also available.
  • Venison Fillet

    - this succulent dish is enriched with refined ingredients such as chestnuts, chanterelles, polenta, and fruit in syrup. It's cooked in a divine way and is worth trying.
  • Fresh Chanterelle Mushrooms Salad with Apples

    - a quick service cold dish that is refreshing and tasty.
  • Plate with Four Different Types of Bresaola

    - each type of bresaola is said to be tastier than the other, making this plate a delight for meat lovers.
  • Homemade Pasta with Porcini Mushrooms

    - a main course that is a pleasure to have. It's recommended as part of the appetizer.
  • Sparkling White Wine from Valtellina

    - this wine is highly recommended for its taste and is an excellent choice to accompany your meal.
  • Pizzoccheri

    - although it needs to be ordered in advance, it's said to be worth trying.

Piatti e bevande a Ristoro Castel Grumello


torte gelato gelato semifreddo cantucci dolcetti


vino liquore limonata cordiale sherry secco grappa liquore amaretto sherry vino della casa


carne pesce manzo bresaola castella maiale risotto insalate carpaccio frutti di mare ragù prosciutto tartufi carne di cervo funghi insalate di funghi gnocchi formaggio minestra brodo antipasto completo pasta meze pollame prosciutto crudo tagliatelle kacamak foie gras polpo arrosto di manzo insalate di polpo hackepeter tagliata di manzo ravioli crostini oca salsa