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Platti al Ristorante Del Golf - Genova

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as very good or super value for money. The food quality is high, and the prices are described as modest or absolutely adequate.
  • Squid and Citrus Salad

    - this dish is highly recommended by multiple visitors for being simply delicious. It's a well-prepared, varied, and high-quality dish that is sure to please seafood lovers.
  • Grilled Prawns and Squid

    - another seafood dish that comes highly recommended. The freshness and quality of the seafood at this restaurant are frequently praised in reviews.
  • Wine Selection

    - the wine list also gets a mention for being good, indicating a range of options to pair with your meal.
  • Other Seafood Dishes

    - the restaurant is known for its excellent seafood-based menu. While specific dishes aren't mentioned, the overall quality and preparation of the seafood are highly praised.

Piatti e bevande a Ristorante Del Golf - Genova