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Platti al Hotel Restaurant Mistral

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant appears to be mixed. Some visitors find the price/performance ratio satisfactory while others feel the dishes are not worth the price. However, the food is generally praised for being delicious and well-prepared. The service is consistently praised as excellent and friendly.
  • Filet de cerf

    - this dish is highly recommended by visitors for its taste. The service associated with it is also friendly.
  • - noted as being noteworthy and eatworthy, the salads at this restaurant are a must-try.
  • Apricot cake

    - labelled as the best in the world, this dessert is served with love and is a must-try for those with a sweet tooth.
  • - another dessert that is highly praised by customers. The service associated with it is also good.
  • Dishes with sauces

    - these dishes have been highly praised by customers and are recommended to be tried whenever they are offered.
  • Quality Starters, Main Dishes, and Desserts

    - the restaurant has a great selection of these that are worth trying.