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Platti al Chakramen Padova

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The reviews about the price/quality ratio are mixed. Some visitors found the prices reasonable considering the quality and quantity of food, while others felt the quality of some dishes did not justify the price. However, the majority of visitors seemed satisfied with the price/quality ratio.
  • Ebi Tempura Ramen

    - a filling and light dish that is highly recommended by many visitors.
  • Ramen with Fried Chicken

    - another popular choice, particularly for lunch.
  • Noodles with Vegetables

    - a delicious vegetarian option.
  • - this dish received positive reviews from several visitors.
  • Beef Bao

    - a well-rated dish with good quality meat.
  • Sakura Rice

    - recommended by multiple visitors.
  • Chocolate Ice Cream Mochi

    - a dessert that received positive feedback.
  • Taiwanese Marinated Beef Ramen

    - an exquisite dish that is worth trying.
  • Various Bao Buns

    - some variations were praised more than others, but overall they are worth trying.
  • Duck Bao

    - despite mixed reviews on the ramen, the duck bao was rated positively.
  • Ramen with and without Broth

    - visitors enjoyed the variety of options available.
  • Shishu and Tonkotsu Ramen

    - these specific types of ramen were highly praised.
  • - the best vegetarian ramen according to one visitor.
  • Duck Ramen

    - highly recommended by a visitor.